Digital Marketing Company Consultancy: How does it Work?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get here is how a digital marketing company Dubai consultancy works. We have received hundreds of requests for digital marketing consulting, which is wonderful, but many still do not know exactly how this consultancy works and what they will receive. Well, the goal of a digital marketing consultancy in general is to help understand the company's current digital presence and what needs to be done now to increase the number of visits to a website, and hence the number of leads or sales generated. This is our focus: increasing visits to our customer sites and thus increasing leads or sales generated (how digital marketing company Dubai manages to triple the number of visits to one of our customers' sites in 6 months). But how does a digital marketing consulting help bring more leads to your sites?

Analysis of the current digital structure
The first stage of a digital marketing consultancy is the review phase. Through a diagnosis of your company's online presence on the internet, the consultant will evaluate from the structure of your site - such as loading speed and whether it is responsive to tablets and smartphones - to the number of daily visits, traffic origin, rankings on Google and sales conversion rate. This analysis extends to the social networks of the company, evaluating the engagement, the profile of the public and the reach of the publications, for example.

SMART goals concept
After knowing how your company is seen in the online world, it's time to think about how you see your company. After all, what are your goals when looking for a digital marketing consultancy? To help you, we use the concept of SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. When determining your goals, you always need to keep in mind that they have to fit these criteria, so that the strategies applied in digital marketing are not only returnable, measurable, monitored, optimized.

For example: Your goal is to increase the number of visitors to your site. This information, while true, is not complete. What kind of visitor do you want to attract? Who is your target audience?

Setting deadlines for goals
And last but not least, you need to set a deadline to reach the goal you set. Now that you know how many new visitors you want, what kind of visitors you want, wherever your visitors come from, you need to determine how long you want to get there, never forgetting that all these issues should take reality into account, available resources and the other limits that determine what is possible or not to be achieved.

Once the goals are determined, you will already be much more aware of your business both now and in the future. This awareness and knowledge acquired in the previous stages of digital marketing consulting will instruct you in creating one or a few buyer persona, which is nothing more than creating the profile of your ideal client. The persona will represent who is interacting with the content that your produce and is fundamental in the planning of digital marketing strategies (such as determining the company's communication language, which social networks are most effective for your business, which content is more attractive, which the keywords to be chosen, among several others).

The final stage of digital marketing company Dubai consultancy will then be the analysis of results obtained, seeking to make the necessary adjustments, defining what needs to be corrected, what should be interrupted and what should be maintained, both in the goals and in the strategies. The cycle then resumes, but this time, you will be much more prepared and aware about the positioning of your company in the digital media and more and more, it will become more fit for the challenges of digital marketing.


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